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Granite stone blocks /setts / granite cobbles

Granite is a noble stone. It is strong enough to withstand any climatic conditions, that’s why monuments to great writers, historians, artists, etc. are made from granite in many cities.
Ukrainian stone gallery

Гранит. Галерея украинского камня

Products from granite / Granite products

Natural granite is ideal for outdoor interiors. 

Granite - is not only a sign of image and prestige, but also rationality.


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Company “Sovilit” –  a dynamically  developing company specializing in mining / extracting, processing and sale of products from natural stone, as well as providing services in  complex geological survey, design work and consulting mining. Availability of highly skilled professionals enables us to solve problems of any complexity, and modern equipment – to work and produce products using advanced technologies.

Granite is deep mountain massive and dense with full-crystalized structure breed, created by the gradual cooling and crystallization of magma at high pressure inside the earth’s crust. Due to its high mechanical characteristics and operational properties granite is widely used in building basements of structures, facing facades of buildings. Granite traditionally use in landscape design for paving roads and floor in places with heavy traffic. Granit is also an ideal material for countertops / tabletops in the kitchen furniture.  However, with skillful use of not only the technical properties of granite, but its decorative qualities, this material can successfully fit into any interior.

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