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Granite stone blocks /setts / granite cobbles

Granite is a noble stone. It is strong enough to withstand any climatic conditions, that’s why monuments to great writers, historians, artists, etc. are made from granite in many cities.
Ukrainian stone gallery

Гранит. Галерея украинского камня

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Granite border stone  adapts in road building. This is one of the most beautiful and very durable surfacing materials. Granite border in a minimum quantity absorbs water, steadfast to the abrasion, very dense, ultraviolet sun rays do not act on it. Because of the physical properties the border granite is plotted / paved without any problems with minimum expenditure of time and resources.

Rectilinear granite border stone / kerbstone 4-GP
Rectilinear granite border stone / kerbstone with a  slant / facet 1-GPS
1-GPS 0,5

Radius border stone / kerbstone with a slant / facet GKS-0.5 (IR)

Garden border / Side-walk granite border perfectly suits as for the out-of-town sections and the urban also. Garden border made from granite can be chose any color and form, so that it successfully would be combined, for example, with granite stone block, paved both on the motor road, and by pedestrian.

Choosing granite border, it is necessary to take into consideration not only the color, its figure and structure, but also compulsorily is worth considering the combination of one or the other material with this stone. Let us assume piling border from the granite must be combined with the material, from which is lined the road. So that after the installation the border granite would appear ideally.

Granite border stone is longest-lived, than borders made from another material, such as plastic, ceramics. Even borders made from marble are less practical, but although in the popularity they do not lag behind the granite. Today granite border collects more and more scales of claiming.

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